Posts in Eat Well
Bulletproof Coffee

What if you found out there was a way to burn fat all day long? Would you believe that by adding butter to your morning cup of joe, you could be turned into a fat-burning machine? Bulletproof coffee has become a new fad in health food restaurants across the nation. But what exactly does it do? In this article we’ll explore the myths and facts about bulletproof coffee.

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Hot Stuff! Heat Up Your Health

Reaching for that Sriracha bottle to add a little kick to your fried rice? How about some Tabasco sauce on your California burrito? Sometimes adding a little heat to your plate is favorable to your palate. Aside from enjoyment though, are there health benefits to that burning tongue and runny nose of yours? Let’s find out!


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Feeling Tired All the Time? Maybe You Are Vitamin B12 Deficient

All vitamins and minerals are crucial to keeping you healthy, and the lack of them could produce harmful effects in the body. Vitamin B12 deficiency, in particular, has become a major concern in recent years. Vitamin B12, also known as methylcobalamin, is an essential vitamin responsible for multiple metabolic functions including DNA synthesis, enzyme production, hormonal balance, and the maintenance of a healthy nervous and cardiovascular system.

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College Survival Snack Guide: Best Foods for Better Memory and Focus

At UCLA, exams are our constant companions. We’re low on sleep, high on stress, and generally hungry. Because food is important in college life and in general, it is essential to read up on the influence that food has on our well-being. Here are the top ten best foods that can help you improve your study game and excel in your focus and memory during exams!

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My First Time: One-Day Juice Cleanse

There seems to be a never ending supply of trendy health foods in America. Most disappear just as quickly as they come. But there are a few health trends that seem to never die. Juice cleansing is one of these seemingly immortal health trends.

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My First Time: CSA Box Trial

CSA, or community-supported agriculture, boxes are relatively common (especially in produce-rich California) but many, including myself, do not know exactly what they entail. To solve this enigma, I purchased one of the CSA boxes offered by South Central Farmers. South Central Farmers is a group that distributes boxes within the Los Angeles community and offers pick-up locations on the UCLA campus including the UCLA School of Law and UCLA Center for Health Sciences. In this article I will walk you through my journey by sharing what type of produce I received and a few ways I incorporated the box’s contents into my meals.

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Food Label Myths, Debunked!

We have all fallen prey to the savvy food marketing industry. In fact, Cornell study shows that health claims on food packages lead consumers to perceive the products to be healthier than they actually are. And before we know it, we are spending way too much money on food that we think is good for us but in reality offers no legitimate nutritional payoff.

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Recipe: Midnight Sweet-Tooth?

Living on the Hill makes it incredibly easy to satiate that sugar craving in the middle of the night, with De Neve’s ice cream shakes and Rendezvous’ dessert nachos, just to name a few. These Late Night menus may sound enticing, but the options just aren’t the best for you.

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Snack Attack: How to Recognize + Prevent Emotional Eating

You’re stressed. The solution? Go find a bag of Oreos, a large extra cheesy pizza, and a pint of ice cream, and you’re good to go! But wait, you might be falling prey to an unhealthy behavior that’s affecting more and more Americans, particularly millennials.

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It's Kale, it's Acai! No, it's... Red Wine Vinegar!

Here in Los Angeles, where the sun is always shining and the celebrities are always dining, we have a list of eating fads that seems to be ever-growing. From gluten-free diets to kale smoothies to açai bowls, there is always some amazing superfood just around the corner. Recently, there has been another going around. It goes by the name of red wine vinegar.

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Going Nuts

Have you been feeling nutty lately? Maybe you should consider adding nuts to your life! Nuts are becoming a popular health fad, and many people may be wondering whether nuts are actually worth the hype. According to the USDA, nuts are considered an integral part of a diet that’s low in saturated fat and cholesterol. 

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Hung Up On Alcohol

Are you feeling nauseated, exhausted, debilitated, and possibly irritated? Before you have your next drink, you should know what the research says about blaming it on the alcohol. According to the National Institute of Health nearly 88,000 people (around 62,000 men and 26,000 women) die from alcohol-related causes every year. This makes alcohol-related incidents the 4th most common preventable cause of death in America.

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Coffee: Its Perks and Reasons to Be Bitter

The sweet and smoky fragrances of a cup of Joe in the morning (or afternoon, or at any time of the day really) rarely fail to arouse our senses and minds. It’s no wonder that 54% of Americans drink coffee every day. Although many of the components are the same, coffee is prepared in a wide variety of ways that determine the balance of chemicals and nutrients that end up in your cup.

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