LEADERSHIP 2023-2024







Thanks for stopping by! My name is Nico, and I am a fourth-year Human Biology and Society student at UCLA! As someone who joined Total Wellness in his freshman year of college, I have grown immensely because of this organization. It has been a really great platform for me to take control of my health and encourage others to do so as well. As you read through our website, I hope that you would come to agree with me and join us as we explore wellness from the perspective of many fields. Personally, I love cooking, music, and anything with the word “eco-“ attached to it. When I am not hanging out with my TW family, catch me working on my next art project and searching for new places to explore!

managing editor

Nicole Huang


Hi! My name is Nicole Huang, and I am currently a 4th year Human Biology and Society major. Total Wellness has been the perfect intersection between two major passions of mine: health and media. Since joining, I've loved being able to engage with the UCLA community by starting conversations about health and wellness through whichever media that appeals to them, whether it be art, photography or words. Outside of TW, you can find me cafe hopping around LA, baking in excessive amounts, or taking pictures of anything and everything!

director of external affairs

Rebecca Park


Hi! I’m Rebecca Park, a fourth-year Human Biology & Society major. I joined TW because of the opportunity to combine my interests in health/wellness and event-planning! I was greatly enthused by the potential of empowering fellow college students to take ownership of their health. I love the friendly and supportive sense of community that defines TW! Everyone is so uplifting and I am thankful to have received such great guidance here. Other than Total Wellness, I’m also part of UCLA Care Extenders, Grace on Campus, and hope to get involved in undergraduate research! Outside of school, I love reaading and trying new food spots!



article editor

Kayla Vakilian


Hi! My name is Kayla Vakilian and I am a 2nd year Computational and Systems Biology major! I joined Total Wellness because I am incredibly passionate about all things health and wellness and wanted to use this passion to empower students to lead healthier lifestyles! Joining Total Wellness has given me the opportunity to explore health topics that I otherwise would not have been exposed to, as well as work with a community of incredibly talented and passionate students! Outside of TW, you can find me running, reading, trying new recipes, or exploring new coffee shops in LA!

copy editor

Mia Waksman


assistant editor

Sydney Shayne


design director

Melody Mao


Hello! My name is Melody and I'm a second year Computational and Systems Biology major. I joined Total Wellness because it was the perfect combination of both my passions in health and wellness and art and design. It provided me a creative outlet to share various perspectives on what it means to live a healthy and happy lifestyle, and I am thankful to be a part of such a welcoming and fun group of people sharing the same interests. Outside of Total Wellness, I love baking and cooking, reading, doing yoga, and exploring new places with friends!

digital media director

AnaIsabel Cardenas




social media director

Alice Huang

My name is Alice and I am a second year Cognitive Science major. I joined Total Wellness because I admired the club's goals of promoting student health and wellness through little zines, stickers, magazine publications, and campus-wide events. I wanted to be involved in planning and hosting fun events that would make a lasting, positive impact to the UCLA community. I also sought to use my graphic design skills to create social media flyers and posts. Since being a part of TW, I love how we as a team can collectively work together and use our creativity to produce something impactful. My interests include digital design, art, and psychology.