Posts tagged fruit
Healthified: Low-Sugar Smoothie Bowls

What better way to cool off on a hot summer's day than with a creamy, frozen bowl of tropical bliss? Smoothies are jam-packed with fruits and veggies, and are a delectable refreshment for the road, but did you know that smoothies can also be extremely sugary? Learn how you can lower the sugar content of your smoothie bowls without compromising on taste or nutrition!

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My First Time: CSA Box Trial

CSA, or community-supported agriculture, boxes are relatively common (especially in produce-rich California) but many, including myself, do not know exactly what they entail. To solve this enigma, I purchased one of the CSA boxes offered by South Central Farmers. South Central Farmers is a group that distributes boxes within the Los Angeles community and offers pick-up locations on the UCLA campus including the UCLA School of Law and UCLA Center for Health Sciences. In this article I will walk you through my journey by sharing what type of produce I received and a few ways I incorporated the box’s contents into my meals.

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Superfoods For a Super You!

Superfoods are foods that provide health benefits, contribute more than the required nutrients in the human diet, and potentially help certain medical conditions. They may have a higher than average quantity of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that can potentially lower one’s risk of disease or enhance any other component of physical or emotional health. 

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