Posts in Mind Well
The Truth About Introverts

Have you ever been to a social event where the ice breaker question, “What is your Myers Briggs?” pops up? Myers Briggs personality tests have recently become popular tools for determining personalities. References to the difference between extroverts and introverts can be easily found on popular websites such as Buzzfeed and Facebook. Introverts are often portrayed as shy, quiet, and even anti-social individuals who would much rather skip the fun to be alone. Humorous posts such as memes and quizzes encourage negative ideas of introversion. It’s time to finally dig into these social myths and uncover the truth about introverts!

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The Science of Happiness

Millions of people devoted their time and energy to chasing “happiness” and even more time attempting to define and quantify it.  Even the Founding Fathers of the United States believed that all shared an equal right to the “pursuit of happiness.”  So what exactly is this elusive “happiness” and why does it have such a hold on humanity?

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